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Analysing the impact of natural metaphors in visualising COVID-19 data

Dear Participant,

Thank you for supporting the German Aerospace Center and the Institute for Geoinformatics, Münster, in their research work with your participation in this survey. This assessment is a component of the research conducted by the Software for Space Systems and Interactive Visualisation (SRV) group at the Institute of Software Technology of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and is also integrated into the master thesis authored by Sandhya Rajendran of the Institute for Geoinformatics (IFGI).

The study is part of the LOKI-Pandemics project, in collaboration with the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI). The goal of this study is to assess the impact of natural metaphors in visualising COVID-19. In order to achieve the stated goal of the project, a platform is being developed that will compare two visualisations (one standard and one utilising metaphors).

The study begins by inquiring about participants' educational backgrounds to assess if individual factors influence the interpretation of visual data. Subsequently, participants will engage in two assignments: the first evaluates each visualisation independently, while the second assesses a combined visualisation. Post-task, participants will offer feedback on task difficulty and satisfaction with the interaction and rate their confidence in the presented information.

The study may take between 25 - 40 minutes to complete.

Your data will be stored anonymously. It is not possible to draw any inference about any specific person. You can end the survey at any time without adverse consequences by closing the browser window. The collection of data is for research purposes only.

If you would like to know further information about this survey or have any general comments, questions, or feedback, please feel free to email or

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Within the scope of this scientific study, all collected data will be processed according to the requirements of the European Data Protection Regulation (EU-DSGVO). Personal data is not collected in this survey. The survey is anonymous.

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You may terminate the study at any time without stating a reason and without negative consequences. In this case, all previously recorded data will be deleted. Please contact the experimenter for this purpose.

I hereby declare my voluntary participation in this survey. I consent to the collection, processing and use of my anonymized data for the purpose of science and research according to the specifications and within the scope of the above privacy policy.

This consent can be revoked at any time and without giving reasons for future processing without any disadvantages for you. Please send your revocation to the following address of the responsible persons.

Contact details of the responsible persons: In terms of the EU-DSGVO, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is the data controller. Please contact us to exercise your data subject rights:

In terms of the University, the Institute for Geoinformatics (IFGI), please contact the institute's Ethics-Committee:

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